Sunday, May 31, 2009

God damn, Jesus, I fucking love you!

It is a grey Sunday in LA and Critter asked me a little bit about Sundays and what they meant to me. I told Critter that as a kid they didn't mean a whole lot other than school was the next day and some of my friends couldn't play until the afternoon because they went to church. naturally, Critter asked me why I didn't go to church and i said, "well critter, my first and only exposure to religion came in the form of a soudtrack to one of the funkiest, most amazing re-intrepretaion of Jesus Christ appropriately entitled "Jesus Christ Superstar." YOu know, when this musical becomes your starting point to religion, there is no reason turn back and go to church. Turn your head and make sure you find Jesus in the day to day boogie of your life. Which is what I have tried to do. Critter was into that and we sat back and wondered at the amazing Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Jenn Shagrin said...

haha for real. they're supposed to chose the adds based on content, but they clearly missed the key word in the title.
